nba summer league meaning in Chinese
- Question : what were your thoughts on how the team performed during the nba summer league in las vegas
你对赌城夏季联赛中尼克斯球员的表现有什么看法? - Daryl morey had just gotten off the plane from las vegas and another successful rockets showing at the nba summer league when he told me he was worried
莫雷从拉斯维加斯回来,虽然火箭队夏季联赛表现出色,但是他告诉我他曾经很担忧。 - Yi also had a problem with foul trouble in the nba summer league in las vegas , and recognized the amount of work left before milwaukee ' s season opener oct . 31 at orlando
今年夏天拉斯维加斯的夏季联赛上,易犯规太多,这让他认识到对阵奥兰多魔术之前还有很多工作要做。 - But we could no longer keep it running with 4 nba teams and the nba summer league in las vegas has grown by leaps and bounds and we found ourselves in the position that we had no one to play against in long beach